Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Organization - Yes it continues on!

I know you probably thought that I just gave up on the organization since I hadn't posted any new pictures or status in over a week - but it is still progressing!

I'll start with the right section, since that's the one that's done. This is a 6 shelf section a little over 5 feet tall (like me!) and I'm almost embarrassed to say that it's just fabric overflow.

Yes, I said overflow. I have a closet (a pretty large one at that) clear full, and what I put on this section was partly in one of the smaller shelving units that I plan to reuse somewhere else in the house, and partly stacked on the cutting table, floor, etc.

I like to organize fabric like such: themed fabrics, so cat, dog, animal, then by color if it doesn't fit a theme, so black and white, browns, etc.

I will admit that I have fabric under my cutting table that I haven't gone through yet. Other than my holiday fabric, I believe most of it is home decor leftovers and other remnants, but I guess I'll find out for sure when I venture under the table.

Stay tuned for the next installment!


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