Tuesday, August 11, 2009

From Crazy to Insane

As you may have been reading, I've been working on the crazy patchwork. I put it aside while I finished some other projects.

This weekend my brother was visiting and he had some CD/DVD's for his grandkids, and asked if I happened to have any extra cases for them that he could have. No, I said, but I bet I could make something.

Now that's INSANE!

Because this was Saturday and we were getting together with the family on Sunday.

I finished the project I was working on and decided to give it a whirl. I measured, and contemplated, and write some ideas down. Then I got started.

I decided to start on the one for the boy first, because I had LOTS of fabric left from his roman shades and quilt I made. I wanted it to have a way to stay closed (can you say velcro?) and it needed to hold 12 CD/DVDs. Here is the result:

So it one works - but it was way too thick in the middle and I couldn't actually stitch all the way down. I just did enough at the top and bottom to secure it.

Think, think, think - how to make it better?

First, a better way to secure the middle parts. Also, I didn't consider the folding effect, so the outside 'pages' needed to be longer than the inside ones. Finally, if he tips it upside down, the CDs may fall out.

Then, I had to get into the fabric closet and find a good 'little girl' fabric for the next one. And I don't know exactly how much it's going to take, because I didn't want to work that hard and add the pieces up! Finally after much searching, I remembered this cute pink kitty-cat fabric.

For this one, each 'page' is just 2 sides, and not 4 like the last - and organize it so the opening for the CDs face where it secures. I like the result much better. Tell me what you think?

My brother was excited about it - he said - "there you go, something new you could sell!" Maybe I could, but for the amount of time it took, I would have to charge a small fortune

Anyone have a fortune they want to give me to make these?

Hope you enjoyed my story!

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