Saturday, August 8, 2009

CRAZY Patchwork Continued....

I got about 2 yards or so of the crazy patchwork compeleted. Here are a couple of pictures:

Because I stitched this to the interfacing, it is only about 22" wide or so. That's about the equivalent of 1 yard of regular fabric.

I plan to make a jacket using this - that was my original thought when I started this project - but I wasnt' really sure until my last blog post and I asked for suggestions.

After completing the crazy patchwork, I decided on a fabric for the base of the jacket, as one year would not be enough for a jacket, and the next step will be to determine the placement of the patchwork on the jacket. I also selected some embellishment items such as beading, lace, ribbon, etc., that I plan to use.

The final piece will be to select the fabric or fabrics for the lining, as I want this to be a professional looking piece.

I've been sidetracked with some other projects for now, so it will be close to the end of August when I get back to this.

So stay tuned.

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